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Why you should invest in Beeco

Next to climate change, the growing bee deficit is the largest ecological problem facing our generation. We are determined to solve it and we need your help.

1. Sustainably Produced

Each hive unit you buy removes 125 single-use plastic bottles from the environment and puts them to long-term use.

3. Empower Beekeepers

Through our marketplace, beekeepers get access to affordable beehives with strong colonies they can trust through sensor-verification.

2. Optimized for Bees

Because of our unique hive materials, your hive will provide a bee-optimised environment for every swarm that moves in, increasing the survival rate of newly formed colonies, adding much needed bee numbers to the system.

4. New Technology

5. Contribute to Food Security

Your investment helps beekeepers meet the ever-increasing pollination demand, stabilising our food and nutrition supply.

Smart hives give beekeepers access to hive data so they can manage their operations more efficiently, and take action when needed to keep their bees thriving.

Asset Insights

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Project funding goal

ZAR 4 Million

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Current opportunities


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Targeted returns


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Investments open

22 January 2024

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Primary focus


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Who we are

Beeco brings together a team of passionate scientists and expert beekeepers with a single mission: delivering strong, active hives for farmers everywhere. We're dedicated to boosting crop yields and food security through science-backed beekeeping practices and innovative hive design.

What we do

We make beehives from recyclable materials. Our hive and sensor technology will equip beekeepers and farms with state-of-the-art tools to stay ahead in the industry, ensuring the health and productivity of their bees while minimizing the need for invasive check-ups.

Beehive Ownership

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On the ground

We produce your smarthive and place it in the field so that a bee swarm can move in. Over time (which can vary between 1-3 years) the swarm grows and strengthens and our smart sensors ensure that we can track your hive's performance constantly. Once the hive is verified with a strong colony of bees, it is listed on the Beeco hive marketplace for beekeepers or farmers to purchase for pollination. Your return on investment is realised once the hive has been sold. Beekeepers or farm owners are able to utilize these hives with strong colonies for pollination to improve their crops.

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