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Why you should invest in Sceletium

LABU Organics is offering a natural/organic anti-depressant and general mood enhancer called Kanna or Sceletium. Its active compounds interact with neurotransmitters in the 

brain, promoting feelings of relaxation, calmness and overall well-being.

By partnering with LABU Organics, investors can participate in the rapidly growing nutraceutical industry while contributing to a positive impact on global mental health.


What is Sceletium

Sceletium aka Kanna, or Tortuose Fig Marigold is the highly revered, indigenous South African medicinal plant that has been used by the San and Khoikhoi people of Southern Africa for millennia for its natural medicinal properties. 

Sceletium acts as anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) agent as well as a highly effective and benign natural anti-depressant. Havingboth serotonin releasing and re-uptake inhibiting effects, is of singular efficacy in assisting with the treatment and healing of addiction, and is an excellent adjunct to clinical therapy and bodywork.


Seed to Sale

Our expert team manages and harvests your sceletium seedlings, ensuring optimal growth and quality. Through our offtake agreements, a portion of the plant's dry material is sold, while the rest is processed into premium sceletium extracts for retail. Benefit from the value created at every step of this chain, maximizing your returns from your investment in sceletium.

Asset Insights

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Project funding goal

ZAR 15 Million

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Current opportunities


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Targeted returns


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Investments open

15 March 2024

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Primary focus

Nature-Based Remedies

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Social Benefit

LABU Organics (Pty) Ltd has successfully entered into a “Traditional Knowledge Holders Agreement” with the representative of the /Xam Bushman clan. The /Xam Bushman is part of the “First Nation” group of the original habitants of Southern Africa. They reside in the Kalahari Region on the Western border of South Africa with Botswana’s Eastern border.


We will appropriate 2% of our turnover of the sales of all Kanna-based products globally to the tribe. This will support initiatives where their traditional skills and way of life can be captured through electronic data keeping, classrooms connected to the internet for online learning, bursaries and learning how to cultivate Kanna for commercial purposes.

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